Monday, May 24, 2010

I have posted comments on Katelyn's, Miranda's, Mia's, Helana's, and Gracen's papers.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Ever since I was very little, I've wanted to go to Paris! This place was like meant for me!:) Its the city of love and shopping, which are my favorite things! My life plan is to move to Paris after I graduate college, I know its kinda out there, but anything is possible!

assignment #6

My 7th Grade Year

Middle school definitely has its ups and downs, but in the end they all make you a stronger person. This year has been.. so many different things! I'm so sad to be leaving the Grammar Girls, yet I'm so happy to be leaving! That's because this year has been filled with many up and downs, in all different area's of my life. Having all my girls here to support me this year has been an amazing blessing! Then again, some of the teachers have made my life a living nightmare! Honestly though, my 7th grade year has been great!

I think it's very important to be yourself, and be original! So something that I found kind of annoying this year was that some people copy everything everyone else does, but they don't know how to just be themselves. Don't go around coping every one's style, make your own! I can promise you it will make so much of a difference, to just be yourself. You don't want to be that girl who always copy's everything people do, right? I know I don't. Another thing that I noticed was a lot of people would change who they are, to be like someone else! I think that's completely ridiculous. Even best friends don't have to be EXACTLY the same! Mix it up. I think that's what make friendships interesting; being different. Me and one of my best friends are so different, but I love her so much, and I love her even more cause she's always herself.

One of the things I loved about this year, though was that the 7th grade girls were so close. Despite the fact that some of teachers thought we were so dramatic???? I have no idea where they got that from, but I loved having almost no drama this year, it has been really, really nice! I know a lot of the girls have gone through some serious stuff this year, but were always there for each other, and I love that! This year is so much different from last year! I couldn't ever imagine being this close to y'all, last year;). I'm so sad that were all going different places next year, I'm going to miss you all every, every much!

Something that.. wasn't my favorite about this year, was some of the teachers. I have to say though, some of the teachers have been amazing, and I have really learned a lot from them. BUT some were about the complete opposite. Like I have said, I really enjoyed this year, my friends, but oh my geeze, THE TEACHERS! Two in particular(more or less-depending on the day haha). One of them, I seriously learned nothing from, and it's a pretty important class. It's like when this teacher talks, I have no idea what they're saying. Haha I know that sounds stupid, but I'm serious. Teachers are pretty important, and if we aren't learning anything from them then that's defiantly not good. Another thing, teachers shouldn't yell at you EVERY day! When you have a question they should answer it, not get mad at you for not understanding their gibberish.

One thing that I am very happy about, is that I kept my grades up all year! Let me tell you, It has not been easy! There has been A LOT of late nights finishing homework, or studying, or finishing projects(I have a study hall, and it's still overwhelming). My goal all year has been to get all A's. If I get all A's Pappy said he would give me 100$. Haha So far that hasn't happened, but I'm so close! I'm hoping that my finals will pull my B+'s to A's!

Having cheer Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until is 9:30 is very time consuming and takes a lot of dedication. I chose that as one of my lows because it can be really hard trying to manage everything being so busy with cheer, school, and well, my life. I have been kinda stressing lately because I have to get my backhand spring series into a back tuck, before competition, which is three weeks away. I have been working my butt off, and I almost have it, but will I get it in time? Man I hope so. It's my decision though, my mom asks if it was to much, and it's not. I can handle it.. it's just kind of stressful sometimes, haha.

That being said, I chose cheer as one of my highs, also. I love it! I wouldn't spend all of my time at the cheer gym if I didn't. Making Pinnacle this year was amazing. Now I know this cheer season is going to be a good one. Since were competing at such a high level, every time I go to practice they push me to do what they know I can, which is what I need. When I throw a new skill for the first time, it feels amazing. Cheer has made me realize that I can do things that I never thought I could ever do.

Although this year has been overwhelming, stressful, hard, time consuming; it has also been fun, fulfilling, accomplishing, so many friendships, and good times!:)It was great, even though everything wasn't perfect, it's life, what is? One things for sure, I'm so glad it's almost SUMMER! I'm definitely ready! Next year is going to be different. But hopefully, BETTER! now you know a little more about my busy,crazy year. Hope you enjoyed it!:)

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jimmy was sixteen years old when his parents decided to surprise him with a car, which he had been wanting since the second he got his drivers license, eight months ago! He had a younger brother about seven. Jimmy's younger brother wanted to be JUST like Jimmy, everything Jimmy did, Tommy wanted to do. Who knew Tommy was going to take that to the extreme?
One day, Jimmy's mom was cooking dinner and realized she didn't have any butter. Jimmy was more than willing to get in his new car and drive to the store for her. Tommy watched and thought, "One day I'm going to be able to drive, then I can help momma like that."
On Thursday, Tommy needed a ride to soccer practice, so Jimmy took him. Tommy watched as Jimmy started the car, and cranked the music up. Tommy thought it was so much fun, and couldn't wait till he was that old.
On the day of Jimmy's school dance, Jimmy rode with his friends and left his car at home, with the keys on the table. Tommy was just so curious! He snuck over to the table, grabbed the keys, and sprinted into the garoge. Ill just sit in it Tommy thought, ill just pretend to drive. But when Tommy got in the car the temptation was just too much! He started the car, exactly how Jimmy had. He started the music, and blasted it, just like Jimmy had. Then, he did something else Jimmy had done. Tommy put his foot on the gas pettle. The car yanked him forward, crashing through the walls of house! The car pulled Tommy all over the house. The noise consisted of Tommy screams, shattering glass, crashes, and booms everywhere! Before Tommy knew it, the car used the couch as a ramp and tore through the roof. Then it stopped. Tommy opened his eyes and let out a huge scream. He was ontop of the roof, half the car off and half the car on!
Tommy was completely filled with panic! Then, with an a blink of an eye, Tommy was in his bed. He looked over at his clock and it said 2:03 A.M. What? Tommy asked himself. Was that all a dream?.. whoa. Momma would have killed me, the seven year old thought. Well i know one things for sure, thought Tommy, I will never want to be like Jimmy again!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Are you ready for more? Same instructions as the Part 1: cut and paste the questions to a post on your blog, answer in complete sentences, and then publish post on Tuesday (today at the end of class).

1. Who has pictures of themselves on their blogs?
Katelyn, Hannah Baker, Shelby, Miranda, Mia, Audrey, Aaron Heatherly, and Miles have pictures pictures of themselves
2. Who wrote, "I am working towards a better walk with God and trusting Him will help me to trust others again too," on her blog?
Kristin wrote that.
3. Who learned contemporary dance this year?
Hannah Baker learned contemporary dance.
4. "To live this life I need a heartbeat. To have a heartbeat I need a heart. To have heart I need happiness. To have happiness I need you." Whose blog shares these heartfelt words?
Helana wrote that.
5. How many blogs have posted polls? Of the polls that have been posted, which is your favorite?
four people.

Monday, May 10, 2010

1. Whose blog has a Beatles header?
Anna Merrie has a Beatles header.

2. Who wrote about influences?
Helana Anzures wrote about influences.

3. Who has a summer count down clock posted on their blog? Hint: There's more than one.
Three people has summer count downs on their blogs
4. Who is going to own who on the basketball court?
Roger said he's going to own Hunter, and Hunter said he's going to own Roger.

5. Who has been to Cancun?
Aaron Paige has been to Cancun.

6. Who has a cousin that plays in the NFL?
Ben has a cousin that plays in the NFL.

7. Who is flyguy899?
Arthur is flyguy899.

8. How many blog pages have PacMan available to play?
Two blogs have PacMan, Andrew, and Mrs. Anzures.

9. Who has movie trailers available for viewing at the click of a the mouse?
Stephen, and Anna Merrie have movie trailers.
10. Whose blog title is a "Sound of Music" song?
Katelyn has the title of the song.

11. Who has played "Jazz Band Jubilee" this school year?
Lauren has played ' Jazz Band Jubilee' this school year.

12. Who wrote in a blog post, "You don't forgive people because you are weak, you forgive people because you are strong enough to know how to."
Helana has that quote.
13. Frederick is...?
Frederick is Hannah's turtle.

14. Who wrote, "Make Your Words Come To Life With Vivid Description," on their blog?
Mrs. Anzures wrote that quote.
15. Who is Chancho?
Chancho is Gracen's llama.

16. Which band or artist pops up most on the 500 most popular albums and songs list?
The Beatles
17. What colors are the pentagram?
Red, green, blue, and pink are the colors of a pentagram

18. Who's going to cheerleading camp this summer?

19. How many blogs have Justin Bieber playing on their playlist?
9 and counting
20. Pickles Gone Wild wants you to feed what?

Thursday, May 6, 2010


I can't wait till summer! Although, it will be crazy busy, it will also be extravagant!:) For one, there's no school, and that alone is awesome! Also, I'm going to Camp Travis, and can NOT wait! I have summer cheer Nationals, I'm going on a trip with Pappy, I can hang out with friends everyday, and Eclipse comes out!! Summer 2010 will definitely be one to remember!
Camp Travis is one of the funnest places I've ever been! Every second is filled with some kind of activity, you can get closer to God, make tons of new friends, and your always FUAGNEM (fired up and going nuts every minute)!
Alot of my summer is going to be spent in the cheer gym! We have to make the most of every practice because summer Nationals are right around the corner, and we have to be ready!
Pappy and I go on a trip every summer together, were not quite sure where were going this year, but i know it will be amazing! I mean I'm with Pappy, so it has to be fun!
Whats better than hanging out with your besties everyday?! nothing! haha we can go to schlitterbahn, the movies ( ECLIPSE), or just hang out! I love my Grammar Girls!
Now you know a little about my summer! I hope y'all have a fantastic summer!

Monday, May 3, 2010

About Me...

heyyyy! Im Meagan, and I'm a total girly girl! Im completely in love with three things- my family, my friends, and CHEER! Well, actually alot more too, haha but you can find that out by looking at my page! Cheer is basically my life, I'm there four nights a week. And i honestly wouldn't want to be anywhere else! I'm completely stoked about this cheer season.. senor level three, babyyyy! If you dont know already cheer only goes up to level five, then college, so im completely blessed to be on this team! The one thing you can do to make me hate you is say "cheerleading isn't a sport"... if you say that infront of me.. i swear ill punch your face in, or get Katelyn to. Hahaha but other than that i love making new friends and believe you can never have to many! Hit me up!