Thursday, May 13, 2010

Jimmy was sixteen years old when his parents decided to surprise him with a car, which he had been wanting since the second he got his drivers license, eight months ago! He had a younger brother about seven. Jimmy's younger brother wanted to be JUST like Jimmy, everything Jimmy did, Tommy wanted to do. Who knew Tommy was going to take that to the extreme?
One day, Jimmy's mom was cooking dinner and realized she didn't have any butter. Jimmy was more than willing to get in his new car and drive to the store for her. Tommy watched and thought, "One day I'm going to be able to drive, then I can help momma like that."
On Thursday, Tommy needed a ride to soccer practice, so Jimmy took him. Tommy watched as Jimmy started the car, and cranked the music up. Tommy thought it was so much fun, and couldn't wait till he was that old.
On the day of Jimmy's school dance, Jimmy rode with his friends and left his car at home, with the keys on the table. Tommy was just so curious! He snuck over to the table, grabbed the keys, and sprinted into the garoge. Ill just sit in it Tommy thought, ill just pretend to drive. But when Tommy got in the car the temptation was just too much! He started the car, exactly how Jimmy had. He started the music, and blasted it, just like Jimmy had. Then, he did something else Jimmy had done. Tommy put his foot on the gas pettle. The car yanked him forward, crashing through the walls of house! The car pulled Tommy all over the house. The noise consisted of Tommy screams, shattering glass, crashes, and booms everywhere! Before Tommy knew it, the car used the couch as a ramp and tore through the roof. Then it stopped. Tommy opened his eyes and let out a huge scream. He was ontop of the roof, half the car off and half the car on!
Tommy was completely filled with panic! Then, with an a blink of an eye, Tommy was in his bed. He looked over at his clock and it said 2:03 A.M. What? Tommy asked himself. Was that all a dream?.. whoa. Momma would have killed me, the seven year old thought. Well i know one things for sure, thought Tommy, I will never want to be like Jimmy again!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing picture! You wrote a great story, Meagan! Your writing just keeps getting better and better.
    ~Mrs. A
