Tuesday, May 18, 2010

My 7th Grade Year

Middle school definitely has its ups and downs, but in the end they all make you a stronger person. This year has been.. so many different things! I'm so sad to be leaving the Grammar Girls, yet I'm so happy to be leaving! That's because this year has been filled with many up and downs, in all different area's of my life. Having all my girls here to support me this year has been an amazing blessing! Then again, some of the teachers have made my life a living nightmare! Honestly though, my 7th grade year has been great!

I think it's very important to be yourself, and be original! So something that I found kind of annoying this year was that some people copy everything everyone else does, but they don't know how to just be themselves. Don't go around coping every one's style, make your own! I can promise you it will make so much of a difference, to just be yourself. You don't want to be that girl who always copy's everything people do, right? I know I don't. Another thing that I noticed was a lot of people would change who they are, to be like someone else! I think that's completely ridiculous. Even best friends don't have to be EXACTLY the same! Mix it up. I think that's what make friendships interesting; being different. Me and one of my best friends are so different, but I love her so much, and I love her even more cause she's always herself.

One of the things I loved about this year, though was that the 7th grade girls were so close. Despite the fact that some of teachers thought we were so dramatic???? I have no idea where they got that from, but I loved having almost no drama this year, it has been really, really nice! I know a lot of the girls have gone through some serious stuff this year, but were always there for each other, and I love that! This year is so much different from last year! I couldn't ever imagine being this close to y'all, last year;). I'm so sad that were all going different places next year, I'm going to miss you all every, every much!

Something that.. wasn't my favorite about this year, was some of the teachers. I have to say though, some of the teachers have been amazing, and I have really learned a lot from them. BUT some were about the complete opposite. Like I have said, I really enjoyed this year, my friends, but oh my geeze, THE TEACHERS! Two in particular(more or less-depending on the day haha). One of them, I seriously learned nothing from, and it's a pretty important class. It's like when this teacher talks, I have no idea what they're saying. Haha I know that sounds stupid, but I'm serious. Teachers are pretty important, and if we aren't learning anything from them then that's defiantly not good. Another thing, teachers shouldn't yell at you EVERY day! When you have a question they should answer it, not get mad at you for not understanding their gibberish.

One thing that I am very happy about, is that I kept my grades up all year! Let me tell you, It has not been easy! There has been A LOT of late nights finishing homework, or studying, or finishing projects(I have a study hall, and it's still overwhelming). My goal all year has been to get all A's. If I get all A's Pappy said he would give me 100$. Haha So far that hasn't happened, but I'm so close! I'm hoping that my finals will pull my B+'s to A's!

Having cheer Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday until is 9:30 is very time consuming and takes a lot of dedication. I chose that as one of my lows because it can be really hard trying to manage everything being so busy with cheer, school, and well, my life. I have been kinda stressing lately because I have to get my backhand spring series into a back tuck, before competition, which is three weeks away. I have been working my butt off, and I almost have it, but will I get it in time? Man I hope so. It's my decision though, my mom asks if it was to much, and it's not. I can handle it.. it's just kind of stressful sometimes, haha.

That being said, I chose cheer as one of my highs, also. I love it! I wouldn't spend all of my time at the cheer gym if I didn't. Making Pinnacle this year was amazing. Now I know this cheer season is going to be a good one. Since were competing at such a high level, every time I go to practice they push me to do what they know I can, which is what I need. When I throw a new skill for the first time, it feels amazing. Cheer has made me realize that I can do things that I never thought I could ever do.

Although this year has been overwhelming, stressful, hard, time consuming; it has also been fun, fulfilling, accomplishing, so many friendships, and good times!:)It was great, even though everything wasn't perfect, it's life, what is? One things for sure, I'm so glad it's almost SUMMER! I'm definitely ready! Next year is going to be different. But hopefully, BETTER! now you know a little more about my busy,crazy year. Hope you enjoyed it!:)


  1. Meagan! I love your view of seventh grade! And I agree with your idea of always being original and being yourself!

  2. OMG I love your seventh grade posts. It's like all so true! I absolutely know what you mean about being yourself and not copying each other, it doesn't help you "fit in". I love all of you grammar girls and grammar girl teacher! I can't wait to see y'all next year, sometime!:) By the way, I want a pickle.
    ~Mia Johnson

  3. Amen, be yourself and be original! I love all of my Grammar Girls too! We should have a reunion in ten years! Excellent post, Meagan, I really learned alot about your views and experiences. Well done!
    ~Mrs. A

  4. I love this meagan! It's so true! I love everything you said, especially about being original! I love you, Meagan! I hope we can see eachother soon!
